“KOUTINAS SA” allocating unparalleled expertise and experience in this field, proposes best insurance coverage for public or private construction project or complex Concession and “Public Private Partnership” Projects. |

The implementation of a construction project is a process of intensive risk and responsibility. Comprehensive insurance coverage is needed. (For more information / FAQ click here…)
INSURANCE DURING "DESIGN - CONSTRUCTION" • Designers- Consulting Engineers’ Professional Indemnity • Contractors / Erection “All Risks” (CAR/EAR) • Contractors’ Plant and Machinery • Transit Risks of Components/ Materials/ Equipment • Increased Cost of Working Maintenance/ Warranty • Employers’ Liability • Structural Latent Defects/ Decennial Liability • Anticipated Loss of Profit
INSURANCE DURING "OPERATION" • Coverage of the Facilities (buildings, machinery, etc) whilst in operation • Loss of revenue as a result of an insured peril (Business Interruption) • Comprehensive General Liability (including Public/Third Party/Employer's/Pollution Liability)